What Do Weight Watchers SmartPoints and Your Taste Buds Have in Common?

Kevin’s Natural Foods are created to solve an age-old dilemma.
Is it possible to find healthy food that’s also delicious? The answer is, “yes!” This is how we do it.
Reading time: 8 minutes
As more information becomes more widely available, it’s easier for all of us to take a more active interest in what we eat, even if we don’t have a deep understanding of nutrition. It’s easier than ever to learn about the ingredients in food and to buy healthy items at reasonable prices.
There’s very little excuse to keep eating unhealthy food after we know it’s bad for us, no matter how good it tastes. But when we’re in a hurry, we’ve had a hard day, or we have kids to feed, those greasy fast-food burgers are somehow just as tempting!
The Age-Old Dilemma
Since the early days of history, health-conscious eaters have struggled to split the difference between eating right and enjoying what they eat. Indulge in too many cravings, and your diet and body will suffer in the long run. Eat bland food that tastes like wet cardboard, and you’ll diminish your joy in life, making it hard to stick to your plan for long enough to achieve your goals.
Fortunately, there’s a solution. You can get delicious entrees and sauces that are ready to eat in minutes, integrate with your diet, and will leave you delighted, satisfied, and excited for more. To find out what they are, read on!
The Weight Watchers SmartPoints System
Because everyone’s bodies and metabolisms are different and change through the course of our lives, we all process our food in different ways. Therefore, it’s not always possible to quantify what constitutes healthy food and what doesn’t. However, the Weight Watchers SmartPoints System is a useful and popular way to get a relatively objective understanding of the value of what we’re eating.
Each person starts the day with a certain allotment of SmartPoints, based on weight, age, existing health conditions, and other factors. Your goal is to stay within this range. If you go below it, you can carry over some of your SmartPoints to the next day. It’s a useful system for building healthier habits.
Everything you eat or drink has an objective SmartPoints value. Problematic ingredients such as sugar and saturated fats add SmartPoints to your daily total. Consuming protein lowers them. You can track them in a special app, which over time will inspire you to become more mindful of your dietary choices.
Dieters Respect Us
At Kevin’s Natural Foods, all our creations are specially designed for the lowest possible impact on SmartPoints. This means they’re low in calories, generous with protein, and generally healthier than almost anything else you can get that doesn’t require hours in a hot kitchen.
If you’re a health-conscious consumer and use the SmartPoints system, you will find much value in Kevin’s Natural Foods products on those merits alone. But there’s more to the story - and this is the good part!
Taste Buds Love Us
It’s not easy to make healthy food that’s so easy to prepare and serve. It’s harder to make it so delicious that people love it even when they don’t know how healthy it is.
At Kevin’s, we do things the hard way, and we have a lot of fun doing it. We make healthy food that tastes great. That’s what makes our products special, and why people love them.
We have seasonings, sauces, and entrees that line up with all sorts of dietary requirements, including Paleo, Keto, gluten-free, and more. And our fans, including some of the most demanding dieters around, agree that it’s tasty, delectable, and delicious.
Our survey data show that people discover Kevin’s because they’ve had trouble finding healthy food that’s yummy enough to delight their tongues, their bellies, and even their children. And when they find us, the can’t get enough - they stick around for our whole range of products, they try our healthy recipes, and they stock up with our generous package deals. And they save a lot of calories, stress, guilt, frustration, and time in the process.
Real Customer Stories
Melissa Freeman (@wwgirl_iwantmeback)
"When I found Kevin’s Natural Foods I was beyond excited to try their products. Being on WW I am not only looking to lose weight but to do so in the healthiest way possible. Kevin’s Natural Foods is the perfect example of a delicious and healthy meal and is the perfect low point meal on WW. Low on points but big on flavor! The entrées are perfect for a busy night as the chicken is already cooked. Just heat and serve! This has quickly become a favorite household brand."
Victoria Harrell (@leanlassie):
“I love to cook, but there’s days and nights where I failed to have a plan in place or I simply don’t have the brain power. For those times, I find it helpful to have a Kevin’s Natural Foods sous-vide entrée in the fridge ready to go! It’s as if I’m calling in for backup! 😋 I’ve found all their meals to be healthy, low in smartpoints, with an ingredient list I can recognize, and it’s a meal that can be ready in minutes that I feel good about.”
Lauren M. (@lifewithlaurn)
"I love the Korean BBQ entree and just recently tried the teriyaki sauce and am a HUGE fan of the sauce. I can't wait to try them all."
Lauren is the creator of the amazing BBQ Chicken Island Style Recipe:
Full Recipe HERE
Taste the Difference for Yourself
If you’ve been looking for healthy food that you’ll love to eat, give our entrees, sauces, and seasonings a try today! They’re the perfect solution for savoring the moments of your day and adding some pleasure to a fast-paced and responsible lifestyle.